Friday, September 24, 2010

Week 3: Really?! (0 lbs. lost)

293 lbs.
132 lbs. lost 12/7/07 - 11/1/2009
60 lbs. regained 11/1/2009 - 9/3/2010
0 lbs. lost this week
4 lbs. total lost since 9/3/10
22 Consecutive 5Ks

This blog and weight loss journey originally began as a fundraiser called "Lose for the Fuse", read the first post to get more background on how this all began.


My least favorite part of this process (and it's one that anyone who gets healthy or loses weight knows too well) is the week that you work really hard and your body decides not to give.   I just keep repeating to myself, "The body will do what the body will do."  and know that I'm making the right decisions. To be honest,  reversing the trend is always the difficult part.  My body has been used to putting weight on the last few months, so now that I'm burning more calories than I'm taking in, it's probably trying to figure out what is going on.  And when the body is confused or in turmoil it doesn't like to give up it's reserves.

or something like that.

Truth is, the only thing I really know is that I did well this week and the scale didn't reflect it.  All I can do is keep doing well and let the scale do whatever it will do.

Next week, how about just give me one pound down?  Half a pound?

Yes I know, The body will do what the body will do. (sigh)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Redo Week 2: Best Health Website Ever! (2 lbs. lost)

293 lbs.
132 lbs. lost 12/7/07 - 11/1/2009
60 lbs. regained 11/1/2009 - 9/3/2010
2 lbs. lost this week
4 lbs. total lost since 9/3/10
15 Consecutive 5Ks

This blog and weight loss journey originally began as a fundraiser called "Lose for the Fuse", read the first post to get more background on how this all began.

As you can see I've added a new line to my stat sheet, consecutive 5ks.  It's kind of my way of not having to mention it every week in my written blog, so I can focus on other things like this....

This website is by far the easiest, most comprehensive, and most beneficial free resource I have ever seen when it comes to tracking weight loss, eating habits, and exercise impact.  There are apps for Iphone and Android that completely sync the info, so even you are out and about you can enter in items eaten or exercises accomplished.  If you have a weight loss goal I would highly recommend you sign up with them and start logging your food and exercise.  The information they provide on calorie intake and goals is crucial if you want to get serious about being healthy.  A couple of highlights in the week or so I've been using it.

- Vast food library.  Everything is here, restaurants, store items, and even your own personal recipes.  Just enter in the ingredients and number of servings and it will save them.

- Exercise adjustment.  Every time you enter an exercise it will add any bonus calories you might have earned to your daily goal, so you have a real time number of how many calories you have left for the day.

- Flexible entry.  You can change the listed meal times to fit your eating schedule.  The default is Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack.  But seeing how I eat every three hours I changed mine to 6AM, 9AM, Noon, 3PM, and 6PM.

- Day end update.  When you finish the day and have entered your food and exercise it will tell you "If every day were like today you would weigh xxx in 5 weeks."  This is a psychological boost and has been so encouraging this first week.

- Did I mention it is completely free?! (both on the web and smartphone apps)

I've even made my food diary public if you want to check up on my eating habits.  You can find that here: 

You might also notice the weight loss badge on the blog as well.  Just remember that is weight lost from my original 369 weigh in 3 years ago.  Not weight lost in this challenge.

As always if you have any questions or comments I'd love to hear them!

Friday, September 10, 2010

When is a nine pound gain a two pound loss? (2 lbs. lost)

295 lbs.
132 lbs. lost 12/7/07 - 11/1/2009
60 lbs. regained 11/1/2009 - 9/3/2010
2 lbs. lost this week
2 lbs. total lost since 9/3/10

This blog and weight loss journey originally began as a fundraiser called "Lose for the Fuse", read the first post to get more background on how this all began.

So apparently things were worse than I thought.  I got my official scale and weighed in Friday (the 3rd) for my official new starting weight and it registered 297.  YIKES!  I promised myself I wouldn't top 300 again and by the skin of my teeth I've kept that promise.  Turns out if I eat all that food people bring in when we are doing our fundraiser at the radio station, I literally do gain 10 pounds.

Starting off the 5K a day challenge has been fun and so far, so good.  I have run 3.11 miles every day so far and have had to be creative a couple times to make it happen (including running in place for an hour one night while watching TV).  The work is paying off with a 2 pound loss for my official weigh in today.

I've had a couple people ask me about taking a "rest day" so the body can recoup.  After reading up on it, I've decided the work I'm doing isn't strenuous enough to really need one.  I'm not pushing it hard everyday (jogging at 6 mph right now) and I never feel like my body is fighting it.  If I were training for speed or long distances, a rest day would be a must, but I'm not.  I'm just trying to make moderate exercise a part of my daily life.  I will also still be doing some strength training on the side, and for THAT I will definitely take rest days :)

Thanks for caring enough to check in and let me know if you have any questions or comments.  My new Springfield family is being so supportive and I can't wait to see what the scale says next week!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Welcome to More After Than Before! (49 lbs. gained!)...

286 lbs.
132 lbs. lost 12/7/07 - 11/1/2009
49 lbs. regained 11/1/2009 - 9/2/2010

This blog and weight loss journey originally began as a fundraiser called "Lose for the Fuse", read the first post to get more background on how this all began.

Since the goal of this blog was accountability and honesty through the process of getting healthy, it's only fair that I immortalize my failures along with my successes in this space.  These past 10 months have been an amazing transition for my family as we have started a new adventure in Springfield, MO, eating out capital of the world.  We are thrilled to be in a new place with new amazing people, a new amazing radio station, and new amazing food.  But along with transition comes a reset of patterns and lifestyle changes I thought I had made permanent.  Well I have about 50 pounds that says I need to do a little reversal here before things get out of hand again.

It's not as if I've given up through this process.  One of the first things we did upon moving down here was to find an affordable health center so I could have somewhere to run and workout.   But paying them money to have the ability to go and actually take the time to do it turn out to be two different things.  Sure, I've gone, quite a bit really, but not with the consistency or dedication that I did in Michigan.  I'm still getting a feel for my schedule here, and the hard part is that it is continually shifting, so I need to have a plan A, B, and often C if I'm going to make that time happen.

And then there is the eating.

Every restaurant known to man is within a stone's throw, including a Krispy Kreme (CURSE YOU HOT NOW SIGN!), a couple Chick Fil As (my absolute weakness), and a place called Lambert's where they literally throw food at you so you can get it in your gullet faster.  Add to this that the new station I work for has businesses and supporters bringing in food on almost a weekly basis it's becoming clear I'm going to have to upgrade my will power ranking to stick to my portion control and eating schedule.

The third part of the equation, and the one that I think is going to kick the other two into gear, is challenge and accountability.  The latter part of that is the reason I'm back to blogging, which I plan to do every week with a weigh in every Friday.  You are a huge part of the reason I was able to lose the original weight.  Your encouragement and support were crucial, as well as the fact that I knew I had someone to report to every week, good or bad.

The challenge part is a bit tougher.  There was something thrilling to me about losing weight to raise money for FuseFM.  It was a driving force and a daily challenge to put your money where my mouth was.  So I want something new, something for this year that can challenge me to see if I can pull it off.   And I think I've landed on something that will do the trick.

My goal is to run a 5K every single day for an entire year.

Starting today I will make it my priority to carve out 25 to 30 minutes each day to run, even if I can't do anything else.  No breaks, no excuses, if I don't run 5 kilometers (just over 3 miles) over the course of each 24 hour period (midnight to midnight) I fail.  Each Friday I will not only report my weight but also how I did with this season's "more after than before" challenge.  If you are just crazy enough to join me in the 5K a day challenge, let me know.  I'm sure I will also enter some actual 5K races as part of the year, as I might as well get some participation ribbons and T-Shirts for my hard work.

You'll might also notice I'm not setting a weight goal, and the reason is simple, I don't care what the number is.  If I land somewhere around 230-250 and my lungs and heart are in good shape, I'm happy.  Just as long is the number is more after than before!

Catch ya' next week, and thanks!